Specialist for Automatic Door, Automatic Gate, Security System, Door Hardware, Etc.
Are you in search of reliable solutions for automatic doors, automatic gates, security systems, or general contracting needs? Welcome to PT. Primajaya Sukses Mandiri - Your Trusted Partner for Automatic Doors, Automatic Gates, Security Systems, and General Contracting.
We are experts in the field of Automatic Doors, Automatic Gates, Security Systems, and General Contracting, and we are dedicated to providing the best services for your needs. Located at Komplek Ruko Golden City Blok R1 No.9, Jl.Raya Mauk KM.10, Sepatan, Tangerang, we are ready to assist you in finding the perfect solutions for your automatic door and gate requirements.
Why Choose Us?
- High-Quality Products: We are the sole distributor of world-renowned brands such as GEZE, ISG, BFT, DEPER, MICOM, ON AUTOMATION, DEA, TAU, GR DOOR, and ACCESS CONTROL in Indonesia. Our products represent the best in the market in every aspect and segment. We make no compromises when it comes to quality.
- Top-Notch Service: Our team is strongly determined to continually enhance our services for you. Ensuring customer satisfaction in every project we undertake is our primary concern. We pay great attention to delivery time and installation to ensure timely completion.
- Easy Accessibility: For more information and inquiries, visit our website at www.primajayamandiri.com or come directly to our address at Komplek Ruko Golden City Blok R1 No.9, Jl.Raya Mauk KM.10, Sepatan, Tangerang. We are ready to open the door to a world of convenience for you.
PT. Primajaya Sukses Mandiri - Providing the Best Solutions for Automatic Doors and Gates!
PT. Primajaya Sukses Mandiri
Komplek Ruko Golden City Blok R1 No.9
Jl.Raya Mauk KM.10, Sepatan - Tangerang 15520
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